Abbreviations used for printers

by Terry Cox

For many years, I abbreviated printer’s names with three letters, principally because most collectors do not ascribe much importance to printers.

However, a few major contributors have asked for more details in this area. Mainly because three letters simply does not give sufficient ability to discriminate between similarly-named companies. Consequently, I am going back through all my references and adding more details as I get the time.

This is a long process, made more difficult because I do not have all the sources that the original printer’s names came from. So please contribute full names when you find printer’s names I have missed.

Please note that the vast majority of generic certificates were (and still are) printed by Goes Lithographic Co. in Chicago. Most show the ellipse-shaped “GOES” logo in the lower left corner of the border. Many different local printers overprinted Goes’ certificates with company names and other details. Some of those secondary added their own imprint. However, please be aware that I still list most generic certificates as “Goes”, because it was the primary certificate designer.


Here is an example of the bottom left corner of a typical Goes’ certificate. It shows both Goes’ logo and a secondary imprint by a local printer. Please note that the logo sometimes appears close to middle of the bottom border. Some Goes certificates lack the logo entirely, and simply carry a notification like ©GOES. And just to complicate matters, there are probably around a hundred generic certificates that are identical in all respects to Goes’ certificates, but they lack any attribution. Some may be “knock-offs”, but I suspect most were really Goes’ certificates.

Abbrev Printer’s Name City
ABN American Bank Note Co. Philadelphia
ABN American Bank Note Company, Litho. Boston
ABN American Bank Note Company New York
ABN Franklin Lee Division – American Bank Note Co.
AdaG Adams & Grace Co New York
Age Ager, Hamblin & Co., Stationers New York
Ale Alexander, Caloric Printer Philadelphia
AmeRJ American Railroad Journal Print New York
And James M. Anderson & Son Baltimore
Ans Henry Anstice & Co, Stationers New York
Art W.H. Arthur & Co.
Art&B Arthur & Burnet New York
Aus Henry Austice & Co., Stationers New York
Axt C.S. Axtell Springfield
Bar Barton-Gillet Co. Baltimore
Bar W.D. Barkley New York
Ber Berry & Howell, Printers Orangeburg, SC
Big L.H. Biglow & Co., Printers & Stationers New York
Big L.H. Biglow & Co New York
Blu Blundell Taylor
Boe Boek, Kunst en Handelsdrukkerij V/H Gebroeders Binger Amsterdam
Bor Border Co
Bos Boston Bank Note Lith. Co. Boston
Bra&B Braden & Burford Steam Litho. Industries
Bra&P Bradley & Power, Print.
Bra? Bradley?/Braden?
BraCF C.F. Bradley Cincinnati
BraCF C.F. Bradley & Co. Stationers Cincinnati
Brak de Brakke Grond Amstedam
Bran Brandon Nashville
BraTA T.A. Bradley Philadelphia
BraW Bradbury Wilkinson London
Bre H.K. Brewer New York
Bre&K Breuker & Kessler, Lith. Philadelphia
Bri Britton & Co San Francisco
BriAB British American Bank Note Co Ottawa
Bro? Brooks?/Broun?
BroA Arthur Brown New York
BroCo The Brooks Co, Litho. Cleveland
Brok Edward V. Brokaw New York
Broo Brooks Bank Note Co New York
BrouG Broun-Green Co. New York
Buf John H. Bufford’s Lith. Boston
Buf J. H. Bufford’s Sons Lith Boston
Buf Bufford Lith. Boston
Bur William B. Burford Lith. Indianapolis
Bur Burford
Bur&M Burk & McFetburge (?) Co., Lith. Philadelphia
Burl Burleys, Stationers Chicago
Bux Buxton & Skinner Lith. St Louis
Cal The Calvert Lith Co. Detroit
Cal Calvert & Co. Lith. Detroit
Caled Caledonian Press St Johnsbury, VT
CamA Cameron, Amberg & Co
CANB Canadian Bank Note Co, Ltd.
Car The Cargill Co. Houston
CarA A. Carlisle & Co
Cas Case, Tiffany & Co. Hartford, CT
CBN? Continental?/Columbian? (please help)
Cen Central Banknote Co
Chi S.D. Childs & Co. Chicago
ChiL Chicago Lithograph Co Chicago
Cla&C Clarke & Courts Stationers Galveston
Cla? Clarke?/Clayton?
Clar Clarke, Printers
ClarJ John C. Clark Philadelphia
Clay E.B. Clayton’s Sons, Stationers New York
ClayC Charles R. Clayton & Co.
Cog H. Cogswell, Stationer New York
Cog H. Cogswell, Printer and Stationer New York
COL Columbian Bank Note Co.
ColC Collier & Cleveland, Lith. Denver
Com Combe Litho St Joseph, MO
Com Comlys Printers Dayton
CON Continental Bank Note Co. New York
Coo Cooke Bank Note Co New York
Cor Corlies, Macy & Co., Stationers New York
Cou Courier Job Press
Cra Craig, Finley & Co Philadelphia
Cra Crawford & Reynolds New York
Crai Geo. W. Craine & Co.
Cran Crane & Co Topeka
Cri Crissy & Markley, Printers Philadelphia
Cro Crocker & Co San Francisco
Crowl Pearre E. Crowl Co., Printers Baltimore
Cul Culver, Page, Hoyne, & Co. Stationers Chicago
CunM M.E. Cunningham & Co Pittsburg, PA
Dai Daily Freeman Steam Print.
Dai&W The Daily and Weekly “Delta” Office New Orleans, LA
Dam Damrell & Moore
Dan Danforth, Wright & Co. New York and Philadelphia
Dav Mackenzie Davis & Co. Pittsburgh
Day Dayton Journal Job Office
Dem Dement Printing Co Meridian, MS
Demo Democratic Press Print Chicago
Den Denison & Son New York, Boston
Den The Denver Lith Co. Denver
Dic S.N. Dickinson, Printer Boston
Doa Doane & Greenough Boston
DodES E.S. Dodge & Co
DorL Dorsey-Litho Dallas, TX
Dra Draper, Welsh & Co Philadelphia
DraTC Draper, Toppan, Longacre & Co. Philadelphia, New York
Dru W.S. Drummond, Printer Boston
Druk J H van Druk de Bussy Amsterdam
Dun G.H. Dunston, Lith. Buffalo, NY
E&E Eagle and Enquirer, print.
Egb Egbert Fidland & Chambers Davenport
Eva Evans & Cogswell Columbia, SC
Eve Evening Post Job Printing Office New York
FalC Falls City Ltho. Co. Louisville, KY
Far Farmer Bank Note Co Boston
FBN Franklin Bank Note Co. New York
Fer J. Milton Ferry, Stationer New York
Fitz T. Fitzwilliam & Co Stationers & Lithographers
FLB Franklin Lee Bank Note Co. New York
For John Ford & Son, Printers Cambridge, MA
Fos M.P. Foster New York
FosE Foster & Eppley New York
FosG Foster, Gerrish & Co, Printers Portland
FosL L.S. Foster, Stationer New York
Fra&L Francis & Loutrel New York
Fra&S J. Frank & Sons New York
Fra? Franklin?/Francis? (please help)
FraEP Franklin Engraving & Printing Co
FraPC Franklin Printing Co Philadelphia
FraPR Franklin Printing Rooms Madison, IN
Garf Garfields, Printers Fitchburg, MA
GarGL George L. Garrigues, Steam Print. Philadelphia
Gas Gast & Co. Lith.
Gas A. Gast & Co. St Louis
Gaz Gazette Co, Printers Fort Wayne, IN
Gen General Litho & Ptg Co. Seattle
Gie&D Giesecke & Devrient Berlin, Leipzig
Gil Thos. Gilbert Printer Columbus, GA
Glo Globe Litho Co New York
Goes Goes Lithographic Chicago
Got Gotshall & Martin’s Printing Canton
Gra Gray, Smallwood & Co., Printers Houston
Grat E.N. Gratton Philadelphia
Gre Stephen Green. Lith. Philadelphia
Gri Griggs Watson & Day
Gro T. Groom & Co., Stationers Boston
Gug Guggenheimer & Weil. Prs. Baltimore
Haas Haas & Kelley Buffalo, NY
Hae J. Haehalen Philadelphia
Hal Hall Litho. Co. Topeka
Ham John Hamilton, Stationer New York
Har Hart & Mapother, Prs. Louisville, KY
HarC Harper, printers Cincinnati
Has Hasbrouck Thistle & Co New York
Hasb J.A.H. Hasbrouck New York
Hat Hatch & Co. New York
Hat The Hatch Lithographic Co. New York
Hav Haven, Print Pittsburgh
HBN Hamilton Bank Note Co. New York
Hen The Henderson-Achert-Krebs Lith. Co. Cincinnati
HenL The Henderson Litho Co Cincinnati
HLB Homer Lee Bank Note Co. New York
Hoe A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore
Hoo Hooper, Lewis & Co Boston
Hos Hosford & Co New York
Hosk William H. Hoskins Philadelphia
HosS Hosford & Sons, Lithographers New York
HosS Hosford & Sons New York
Huf J. Hufty, Stationer
Hum Humming Bird Print
HusA Huston, Ashmead & Co. Philadelphia
HusAS Huston, Ashmead, Smith Co. Ltd. Philadelphia
IBN International Bank Note Co. New York
JacD Dwight E.M.M. Jackson Chicago
JacH Jacob & Holmes Chicago
Jam James & Webb Wilmington, DE
JamHE H. & E. F. James, Printers Wilmington, DE
Jen Jennings Bros., Printers and Blank Book Makers Marshall, TX
Joh Johnson-Armstrong
JohnE E. Johns & Co New Orleans
Jon The J.M.W. Jones Stationery & Printing Co. Chicago
Jon J.M.W. Jones Stationer Chicago
Jon C.O. Jones, Stationer New York
JonIN I.N. Jones & Son Print Richmond, VA
Jor Jordan Stationery Co New York
Kee Keen & De Lang Chicago
Kel Kelly, Piet & Co. Baltimore
Kel Kelly & Piet, Print Baltimore
Ken&H Kennard & Hay
Ken? Kentucky?/Kenyon’s?/Kendall? (please help)
Kend Kendall Bank Note Co.
Kent Kentucky Litho Co. Louisville
Keny Kenyon’s Press Des Moines
Ket Chas. F. Ketcham New York
Kin Albert B. King & Co. New York
Kis W.H. Kistler Stationery Co Denver
Kni Knight & Leonard, Printers Chicago
Kor Korff Bros. & Co. New York
Kre Otto Krebs Lith Pittsburgh
Kre Krebs & Bro. Lith. Pittsburgh
LanDJ Lansing Daily Journal, Steam Printing House Lansing, MI
Lat Latimer Brothers & Seymour, Stationers New York
Law S.C. Law New York
Lee George E. Leefe New York
Leh Lehman & Bolton, Inc. Philadelphia
Leh Lehman & Bolton, Printers Philadelphia
Leo Theo. Leonhardt & Son Philadelphia
Lev Levison & Blythe, Stationers St Louis
Lor Loring, Short & Harmon, Stationers Portland, ME
Los Los Angeles Lithographic Co.
LouL Louisville Lithographin Co Louisville, KY
Low John A. Lowell Bank Note Co. Boston
Lut Conrad Lutz Burlington, IA
Maj The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co. New York
Man William Mann Co. Philadelphia
Mar Mart & Mapother, Printers Louisville
Mav Maverick & Wissinger New York
McG James McGuigan, Litho. Philadelphia
McL D. McLellan, Lith. New York
Men Ed. Mendel Chicago
Mid Middleton & Wallace Litho.
Midd Middleton Stroebine Lith Cincinnati
MidJW J.W. Middleton & Co Chicago
MidS Middleton Strobridge & Co Cincinnati
Mil Mills, Knight & Co. Boston
Mor only known as “Mor” (please help)
Mor&B Morrison & Bidland, Stationers New York
Mor&G Morton & Griswold, Printers Louisville
Mor&T Morse & Tuttle
MorB Morrell Bros. Philadelphia
MorC Morris Clawson & Co
MorJ John Morris Co Chicago
MorJP John P. Morton, Printers Louisville
MorL Morgan Lith. Co Cleveland
MorW W.J. Morgan & Co. Cleveland
Mos Moss & Co Philadelphia
Mou Mount & Co Cleveland
Mur Murphy & Co. Baltimore
MurW William F. Murphy’s Sons Co. Philadelphia
MurW William F. Murphy’s Sons Philadelphia
NBN National Bank Note Co. New York
Nes George F. Nesbitt & Co. New York
New New England Lith. Co. Boston
NYB New York Bank Note Co.
ODo Daniel O’Donnel Philadelphia
Ohi Ohio Valley Press Cincinnati
Ori Orient House London
Pau A.W. Paul & Co. Wheeling
Pax F.C. Paxson Philadelphia
PhiS Philip & Solomons, Printers Washington, DC
Pol John Polhemus, Printer and Mf’g Stationer New York
Pow J.C. & W.L. Powers Stationers New York
Pre R.E. Prendergast Scranton, PA
Pri J.T. Prince Boston
Qua Quayle & Son New York
Rai Railway & Bankers Eng. & Lith. Co. New York
Ram V.M. Ramée Jr., Stationer and Printer New York
Ran John C. Rankin, Jr. New York
RBN Republic Bank Note Co New York
RBN Republic Bank Note Co Pittsburgh
RBN Republic Bank Note Co division of Security Bank Note Co Pittsburgh
Ree Rees Print. & Litho. Co. Omaha
Ric Rich & Loutrel Lith. New York
Rob&S Roberts & Son Lith. Birmingham
Rob&W Robertson & Warwick Lafayette
RobAF A.F.Roberts Washington DC
RobJ Julian B. Robinson Wilmington
RobS Robertson & Seibert New York
RobSS Robertson Seibert & Shearman
RobW W.S. Robison Cleveland
Roe George Scott Roe, Stationer and Printer New York
Roe G.S. Roe, Stationer and Printer New York
Rog Rogers & Smith Co, Printers Chicago
Roo R.C. Root, Anthony & Co. New York
Ros William W. Rose, Lith. New York
RosPP Rossers’ Power Press Lafayette, IN
RWH Rawdon, Wright & Hatch New York
RWH Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson New York
Sac&M Sackett & Mackay New York
San Sanford & Hayward’s Print Cleveland
Sar Sarony & Co. New York
SBN Security Banknote Co. Philadelphia
SBN Security Bank Note Co. Philadelphia
SCB Security-Columbian Bank Note Co Philadelphia
SCU Security-Columbian United States Banknote Corp
Scud R.P. Scudley Co. Lith. St Louis
Sea Charles A. Searing New York
Sec? Security?/Security-Columbian? (please help)
Sei Henry Seibert & Bros New York
Sei Henry Seibert & Bro. Lith. New York
Shob Carles Shober & Co.
Shu W.H. Shurtz, Printer Newark, NJ
Sib William F. & J. Sibell New York
Sin Singerly & Meyors Lith. Harrisburg, PA
Sin T Sinclairs Lith Philadelphia
Ski E.S. Skinner & Co, Stationers Chicago
Smi&T Smith & Thomson New York
SmiH H.C. Smith & Co New York
SmyH H.M. Smyth Print Co St. Paul
Sny&B Snyder & Black New York
Sny? Snyder & ? (please help)
SnyBS Snyder, Black & Sturn New York
SouWP Southern Weekly Post
Spe John Spencer, Printer & Bookbinder
SpeJ Spear, Johnson & Co Toledo
Ste Stephens Litho & Engraving Co St Louis
Ste&P Steng & Paxson Philadelphia
SteHW Stewart Haring & Warren
Stern Press of Edward Stern & Co
SteW Stewart Warren & Co. Lith New York
StJ St Joseph Steam Print’g Co. St Joseph, MO
StL St Louis Bank Note Engraver St Louis
Sto Store & Wright, Printers Baltimore
Stro Strobridge & Co, Lith. Cincinnati
Stu R. P. Studley Co. Lith. St. Louis
Sud Sudhaus & Erlenkoetter New York
Sun Sun Print Georgetown, TX?
TC Toppan Carpenter & Co Cincinnati
TCC Toppan Carpenter & Casilear & Co. Philadelphia, New York
Tel Telephone Printing Co (generic certificate finish printer) Defiance, OH
Ter Terres Printing Co. Seattle
Tig T. Tigar, Printer Ft. Wayne
Top Charles Toppan & Co Philadelphia
Tor Toronto Lith. Co. Ltd. Toronto
Tur Turner & Co. Boston
Tut The Tuttle Co Rutland, VT
Uni Union Lithographing Company
UniBN Union Bank Note Co Kansas City, MO
Uzz E.M. Uzzell, Printer and Binder Raleigh, NC
Wal Alex Wallace & Co Mobile
Wal Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co
War&P Warner & Poor New York
War? Warner?/Warren?/Warner & Poor? (please help)
WarJH J.H. Warner
WarMR M.R. Warren, Stationer Boston
Wat&L Waterlow Bros. & Layton London
Wat? Waters?/Waterlow?
Watlo Waterlow & Sons, Ltd London
Wats Waters & Son
WBN Western B N & Engraving Co Chicago
WBN Western Bank Note & Engraving Co. Chicago
WBN Western Bank Note Co. Chicago
Wee Weed Parsons & Co Albany, NY
Wei A.L. Weise, Lith. Philadelphia
Wes Western Publishing & Engraving Co Detroit
WesTX Western Texan Print
Whel William A Wheeler New York
Wil W.W. Wilson, Engraver & Printer Boston
WilB Wilstach, Baldwin & Co, Stationers Cincinnati
Wri E.A. Wright Bank Note Co. Philadelphia
Yer Yerkes Printing Seattle
YouB Young & Belden Co
Zim Zimmerman Lith.