For many years, I abbreviated printer’s names with three letters, principally because most collectors do not ascribe much importance to printers.
However, a few major contributors have asked for more details in this area. Mainly because three letters simply does not give sufficient ability to discriminate between similarly-named companies. Consequently, I am going back through all my references and adding more details as I get the time.
This is a long process, made more difficult because I do not have all the sources that the original printer’s names came from. So please contribute full names when you find printer’s names I have missed.
Please note that the vast majority of generic certificates were (and still are) printed by Goes Lithographic Co. in Chicago. Most show the ellipse-shaped “GOES” logo in the lower left corner of the border. Many different local printers overprinted Goes’ certificates with company names and other details. Some of those secondary added their own imprint. However, please be aware that I still list most generic certificates as “Goes”, because it was the primary certificate designer.

Here is an example of the bottom left corner of a typical Goes’ certificate. It shows both Goes’ logo and a secondary imprint by a local printer. Please note that the logo sometimes appears close to middle of the bottom border. Some Goes certificates lack the logo entirely, and simply carry a notification like ©GOES. And just to complicate matters, there are probably around a hundred generic certificates that are identical in all respects to Goes’ certificates, but they lack any attribution. Some may be “knock-offs”, but I suspect most were really Goes’ certificates.
Abbrev |
Printer’s Name |
City |
American Bank Note Co. |
Philadelphia |
American Bank Note Company, Litho. |
Boston |
American Bank Note Company |
New York |
Franklin Lee Division – American Bank Note Co. |
AdaG |
Adams & Grace Co |
New York |
Age |
Ager, Hamblin & Co., Stationers |
New York |
Ale |
Alexander, Caloric Printer |
Philadelphia |
AmeRJ |
American Railroad Journal Print |
New York |
And |
James M. Anderson & Son |
Baltimore |
Ans |
Henry Anstice & Co, Stationers |
New York |
Art |
W.H. Arthur & Co. |
Art&B |
Arthur & Burnet |
New York |
Aus |
Henry Austice & Co., Stationers |
New York |
Axt |
C.S. Axtell |
Springfield |
Bar |
Barton-Gillet Co. |
Baltimore |
Bar |
W.D. Barkley |
New York |
Ber |
Berry & Howell, Printers |
Orangeburg, SC |
Big |
L.H. Biglow & Co., Printers & Stationers |
New York |
Big |
L.H. Biglow & Co |
New York |
Blu |
Blundell Taylor |
Boe |
Boek, Kunst en Handelsdrukkerij V/H Gebroeders Binger |
Amsterdam |
Bor |
Border Co |
Bos |
Boston Bank Note Lith. Co. |
Boston |
Bra&B |
Braden & Burford Steam Litho. Industries |
Bra&P |
Bradley & Power, Print. |
Bra? |
Bradley?/Braden? |
BraCF |
C.F. Bradley |
Cincinnati |
BraCF |
C.F. Bradley & Co. Stationers |
Cincinnati |
Brak |
de Brakke Grond |
Amstedam |
Bran |
Brandon |
Nashville |
BraTA |
T.A. Bradley |
Philadelphia |
BraW |
Bradbury Wilkinson |
London |
Bre |
H.K. Brewer |
New York |
Bre&K |
Breuker & Kessler, Lith. |
Philadelphia |
Bri |
Britton & Co |
San Francisco |
BriAB |
British American Bank Note Co |
Ottawa |
Bro? |
Brooks?/Broun? |
BroA |
Arthur Brown |
New York |
BroCo |
The Brooks Co, Litho. |
Cleveland |
Brok |
Edward V. Brokaw |
New York |
Broo |
Brooks Bank Note Co |
New York |
BrouG |
Broun-Green Co. |
New York |
Buf |
John H. Bufford’s Lith. |
Boston |
Buf |
J. H. Bufford’s Sons Lith |
Boston |
Buf |
Bufford Lith. |
Boston |
Bur |
William B. Burford Lith. |
Indianapolis |
Bur |
Burford |
Bur&M |
Burk & McFetburge (?) Co., Lith. |
Philadelphia |
Burl |
Burleys, Stationers |
Chicago |
Bux |
Buxton & Skinner Lith. |
St Louis |
Cal |
The Calvert Lith Co. |
Detroit |
Cal |
Calvert & Co. Lith. |
Detroit |
Caled |
Caledonian Press |
St Johnsbury, VT |
CamA |
Cameron, Amberg & Co |
Canadian Bank Note Co, Ltd. |
Car |
The Cargill Co. |
Houston |
CarA |
A. Carlisle & Co |
Cas |
Case, Tiffany & Co. |
Hartford, CT |
CBN? |
Continental?/Columbian? (please help) |
Cen |
Central Banknote Co |
Chi |
S.D. Childs & Co. |
Chicago |
ChiL |
Chicago Lithograph Co |
Chicago |
Cla&C |
Clarke & Courts Stationers |
Galveston |
Cla? |
Clarke?/Clayton? |
Clar |
Clarke, Printers |
ClarJ |
John C. Clark |
Philadelphia |
Clay |
E.B. Clayton’s Sons, Stationers |
New York |
ClayC |
Charles R. Clayton & Co. |
Cog |
H. Cogswell, Stationer |
New York |
Cog |
H. Cogswell, Printer and Stationer |
New York |
Columbian Bank Note Co. |
ColC |
Collier & Cleveland, Lith. |
Denver |
Com |
Combe Litho |
St Joseph, MO |
Com |
Comlys Printers |
Dayton |
Continental Bank Note Co. |
New York |
Coo |
Cooke Bank Note Co |
New York |
Cor |
Corlies, Macy & Co., Stationers |
New York |
Cou |
Courier Job Press |
Cra |
Craig, Finley & Co |
Philadelphia |
Cra |
Crawford & Reynolds |
New York |
Crai |
Geo. W. Craine & Co. |
Cran |
Crane & Co |
Topeka |
Cri |
Crissy & Markley, Printers |
Philadelphia |
Cro |
Crocker & Co |
San Francisco |
Crowl |
Pearre E. Crowl Co., Printers |
Baltimore |
Cul |
Culver, Page, Hoyne, & Co. Stationers |
Chicago |
CunM |
M.E. Cunningham & Co |
Pittsburg, PA |
Dai |
Daily Freeman Steam Print. |
Dai&W |
The Daily and Weekly “Delta” Office |
New Orleans, LA |
Dam |
Damrell & Moore |
Dan |
Danforth, Wright & Co. |
New York and Philadelphia |
Dav |
Mackenzie Davis & Co. |
Pittsburgh |
Day |
Dayton Journal Job Office |
Dem |
Dement Printing Co |
Meridian, MS |
Demo |
Democratic Press Print |
Chicago |
Den |
Denison & Son |
New York, Boston |
Den |
The Denver Lith Co. |
Denver |
Dic |
S.N. Dickinson, Printer |
Boston |
Doa |
Doane & Greenough |
Boston |
DodES |
E.S. Dodge & Co |
DorL |
Dorsey-Litho |
Dallas, TX |
Dra |
Draper, Welsh & Co |
Philadelphia |
DraTC |
Draper, Toppan, Longacre & Co. |
Philadelphia, New York |
Dru |
W.S. Drummond, Printer |
Boston |
Druk |
J H van Druk de Bussy |
Amsterdam |
Dun |
G.H. Dunston, Lith. |
Buffalo, NY |
E&E |
Eagle and Enquirer, print. |
Egb |
Egbert Fidland & Chambers |
Davenport |
Eva |
Evans & Cogswell |
Columbia, SC |
Eve |
Evening Post Job Printing Office |
New York |
FalC |
Falls City Ltho. Co. |
Louisville, KY |
Far |
Farmer Bank Note Co |
Boston |
Franklin Bank Note Co. |
New York |
Fer |
J. Milton Ferry, Stationer |
New York |
Fitz |
T. Fitzwilliam & Co Stationers & Lithographers |
Franklin Lee Bank Note Co. |
New York |
For |
John Ford & Son, Printers |
Cambridge, MA |
Fos |
M.P. Foster |
New York |
FosE |
Foster & Eppley |
New York |
FosG |
Foster, Gerrish & Co, Printers |
Portland |
FosL |
L.S. Foster, Stationer |
New York |
Fra&L |
Francis & Loutrel |
New York |
Fra&S |
J. Frank & Sons |
New York |
Fra? |
Franklin?/Francis? (please help) |
FraEP |
Franklin Engraving & Printing Co |
FraPC |
Franklin Printing Co |
Philadelphia |
FraPR |
Franklin Printing Rooms |
Madison, IN |
Garf |
Garfields, Printers |
Fitchburg, MA |
GarGL |
George L. Garrigues, Steam Print. |
Philadelphia |
Gas |
Gast & Co. Lith. |
Gas |
A. Gast & Co. |
St Louis |
Gaz |
Gazette Co, Printers |
Fort Wayne, IN |
Gen |
General Litho & Ptg Co. |
Seattle |
Gie&D |
Giesecke & Devrient |
Berlin, Leipzig |
Gil |
Thos. Gilbert Printer |
Columbus, GA |
Glo |
Globe Litho Co |
New York |
Goes |
Goes Lithographic |
Chicago |
Got |
Gotshall & Martin’s Printing |
Canton |
Gra |
Gray, Smallwood & Co., Printers |
Houston |
Grat |
E.N. Gratton |
Philadelphia |
Gre |
Stephen Green. Lith. |
Philadelphia |
Gri |
Griggs Watson & Day |
Gro |
T. Groom & Co., Stationers |
Boston |
Gug |
Guggenheimer & Weil. Prs. |
Baltimore |
Haas |
Haas & Kelley |
Buffalo, NY |
Hae |
J. Haehalen |
Philadelphia |
Hal |
Hall Litho. Co. |
Topeka |
Ham |
John Hamilton, Stationer |
New York |
Har |
Hart & Mapother, Prs. |
Louisville, KY |
HarC |
Harper, printers |
Cincinnati |
Has |
Hasbrouck Thistle & Co |
New York |
Hasb |
J.A.H. Hasbrouck |
New York |
Hat |
Hatch & Co. |
New York |
Hat |
The Hatch Lithographic Co. |
New York |
Hav |
Haven, Print |
Pittsburgh |
Hamilton Bank Note Co. |
New York |
Hen |
The Henderson-Achert-Krebs Lith. Co. |
Cincinnati |
HenL |
The Henderson Litho Co |
Cincinnati |
Homer Lee Bank Note Co. |
New York |
Hoe |
A. Hoen & Co. |
Baltimore |
Hoo |
Hooper, Lewis & Co |
Boston |
Hos |
Hosford & Co |
New York |
Hosk |
William H. Hoskins |
Philadelphia |
HosS |
Hosford & Sons, Lithographers |
New York |
HosS |
Hosford & Sons |
New York |
Huf |
J. Hufty, Stationer |
Hum |
Humming Bird Print |
HusA |
Huston, Ashmead & Co. |
Philadelphia |
HusAS |
Huston, Ashmead, Smith Co. Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
International Bank Note Co. |
New York |
JacD |
Dwight E.M.M. Jackson |
Chicago |
JacH |
Jacob & Holmes |
Chicago |
Jam |
James & Webb |
Wilmington, DE |
JamHE |
H. & E. F. James, Printers |
Wilmington, DE |
Jen |
Jennings Bros., Printers and Blank Book Makers |
Marshall, TX |
Joh |
Johnson-Armstrong |
JohnE |
E. Johns & Co |
New Orleans |
Jon |
The J.M.W. Jones Stationery & Printing Co. |
Chicago |
Jon |
J.M.W. Jones Stationer |
Chicago |
Jon |
C.O. Jones, Stationer |
New York |
JonIN |
I.N. Jones & Son Print |
Richmond, VA |
Jor |
Jordan Stationery Co |
New York |
Kee |
Keen & De Lang |
Chicago |
Kel |
Kelly, Piet & Co. |
Baltimore |
Kel |
Kelly & Piet, Print |
Baltimore |
Ken&H |
Kennard & Hay |
Ken? |
Kentucky?/Kenyon’s?/Kendall? (please help) |
Kend |
Kendall Bank Note Co. |
Kent |
Kentucky Litho Co. |
Louisville |
Keny |
Kenyon’s Press |
Des Moines |
Ket |
Chas. F. Ketcham |
New York |
Kin |
Albert B. King & Co. |
New York |
Kis |
W.H. Kistler Stationery Co |
Denver |
Kni |
Knight & Leonard, Printers |
Chicago |
Kor |
Korff Bros. & Co. |
New York |
Kre |
Otto Krebs Lith |
Pittsburgh |
Kre |
Krebs & Bro. Lith. |
Pittsburgh |
LanDJ |
Lansing Daily Journal, Steam Printing House |
Lansing, MI |
Lat |
Latimer Brothers & Seymour, Stationers |
New York |
Law |
S.C. Law |
New York |
Lee |
George E. Leefe |
New York |
Leh |
Lehman & Bolton, Inc. |
Philadelphia |
Leh |
Lehman & Bolton, Printers |
Philadelphia |
Leo |
Theo. Leonhardt & Son |
Philadelphia |
Lev |
Levison & Blythe, Stationers |
St Louis |
Lor |
Loring, Short & Harmon, Stationers |
Portland, ME |
Los |
Los Angeles Lithographic Co. |
LouL |
Louisville Lithographin Co |
Louisville, KY |
Low |
John A. Lowell Bank Note Co. |
Boston |
Lut |
Conrad Lutz |
Burlington, IA |
Maj |
The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co. |
New York |
Man |
William Mann Co. |
Philadelphia |
Mar |
Mart & Mapother, Printers |
Louisville |
Mav |
Maverick & Wissinger |
New York |
McG |
James McGuigan, Litho. |
Philadelphia |
McL |
D. McLellan, Lith. |
New York |
Men |
Ed. Mendel |
Chicago |
Mid |
Middleton & Wallace Litho. |
Midd |
Middleton Stroebine Lith |
Cincinnati |
MidJW |
J.W. Middleton & Co |
Chicago |
MidS |
Middleton Strobridge & Co |
Cincinnati |
Mil |
Mills, Knight & Co. |
Boston |
Mor |
only known as “Mor” (please help) |
Mor&B |
Morrison & Bidland, Stationers |
New York |
Mor&G |
Morton & Griswold, Printers |
Louisville |
Mor&T |
Morse & Tuttle |
MorB |
Morrell Bros. |
Philadelphia |
MorC |
Morris Clawson & Co |
MorJ |
John Morris Co |
Chicago |
MorJP |
John P. Morton, Printers |
Louisville |
MorL |
Morgan Lith. Co |
Cleveland |
MorW |
W.J. Morgan & Co. |
Cleveland |
Mos |
Moss & Co |
Philadelphia |
Mou |
Mount & Co |
Cleveland |
Mur |
Murphy & Co. |
Baltimore |
MurW |
William F. Murphy’s Sons Co. |
Philadelphia |
MurW |
William F. Murphy’s Sons |
Philadelphia |
National Bank Note Co. |
New York |
Nes |
George F. Nesbitt & Co. |
New York |
New |
New England Lith. Co. |
Boston |
New York Bank Note Co. |
ODo |
Daniel O’Donnel |
Philadelphia |
Ohi |
Ohio Valley Press |
Cincinnati |
Ori |
Orient House |
London |
Pau |
A.W. Paul & Co. |
Wheeling |
Pax |
F.C. Paxson |
Philadelphia |
PhiS |
Philip & Solomons, Printers |
Washington, DC |
Pol |
John Polhemus, Printer and Mf’g Stationer |
New York |
Pow |
J.C. & W.L. Powers Stationers |
New York |
Pre |
R.E. Prendergast |
Scranton, PA |
Pri |
J.T. Prince |
Boston |
Qua |
Quayle & Son |
New York |
Rai |
Railway & Bankers Eng. & Lith. Co. |
New York |
Ram |
V.M. Ramée Jr., Stationer and Printer |
New York |
Ran |
John C. Rankin, Jr. |
New York |
Republic Bank Note Co |
New York |
Republic Bank Note Co |
Pittsburgh |
Republic Bank Note Co division of Security Bank Note Co |
Pittsburgh |
Ree |
Rees Print. & Litho. Co. |
Omaha |
Ric |
Rich & Loutrel Lith. |
New York |
Rob&S |
Roberts & Son Lith. |
Birmingham |
Rob&W |
Robertson & Warwick |
Lafayette |
RobAF |
A.F.Roberts |
Washington DC |
RobJ |
Julian B. Robinson |
Wilmington |
RobS |
Robertson & Seibert |
New York |
RobSS |
Robertson Seibert & Shearman |
RobW |
W.S. Robison |
Cleveland |
Roe |
George Scott Roe, Stationer and Printer |
New York |
Roe |
G.S. Roe, Stationer and Printer |
New York |
Rog |
Rogers & Smith Co, Printers |
Chicago |
Roo |
R.C. Root, Anthony & Co. |
New York |
Ros |
William W. Rose, Lith. |
New York |
RosPP |
Rossers’ Power Press |
Lafayette, IN |
Rawdon, Wright & Hatch |
New York |
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson |
New York |
Sac&M |
Sackett & Mackay |
New York |
San |
Sanford & Hayward’s Print |
Cleveland |
Sar |
Sarony & Co. |
New York |
Security Banknote Co. |
Philadelphia |
Security Bank Note Co. |
Philadelphia |
Security-Columbian Bank Note Co |
Philadelphia |
Security-Columbian United States Banknote Corp |
Scud |
R.P. Scudley Co. Lith. |
St Louis |
Sea |
Charles A. Searing |
New York |
Sec? |
Security?/Security-Columbian? (please help) |
Sei |
Henry Seibert & Bros |
New York |
Sei |
Henry Seibert & Bro. Lith. |
New York |
Shob |
Carles Shober & Co. |
Shu |
W.H. Shurtz, Printer |
Newark, NJ |
Sib |
William F. & J. Sibell |
New York |
Sin |
Singerly & Meyors Lith. |
Harrisburg, PA |
Sin |
T Sinclairs Lith |
Philadelphia |
Ski |
E.S. Skinner & Co, Stationers |
Chicago |
Smi&T |
Smith & Thomson |
New York |
SmiH |
H.C. Smith & Co |
New York |
SmyH |
H.M. Smyth Print Co |
St. Paul |
Sny&B |
Snyder & Black |
New York |
Sny? |
Snyder & ? (please help) |
SnyBS |
Snyder, Black & Sturn |
New York |
SouWP |
Southern Weekly Post |
Spe |
John Spencer, Printer & Bookbinder |
SpeJ |
Spear, Johnson & Co |
Toledo |
Ste |
Stephens Litho & Engraving Co |
St Louis |
Ste&P |
Steng & Paxson |
Philadelphia |
SteHW |
Stewart Haring & Warren |
Stern |
Press of Edward Stern & Co |
SteW |
Stewart Warren & Co. Lith |
New York |
StJ |
St Joseph Steam Print’g Co. |
St Joseph, MO |
StL |
St Louis Bank Note Engraver |
St Louis |
Sto |
Store & Wright, Printers |
Baltimore |
Stro |
Strobridge & Co, Lith. |
Cincinnati |
Stu |
R. P. Studley Co. Lith. |
St. Louis |
Sud |
Sudhaus & Erlenkoetter |
New York |
Sun |
Sun Print |
Georgetown, TX? |
TC |
Toppan Carpenter & Co |
Cincinnati |
Toppan Carpenter & Casilear & Co. |
Philadelphia, New York |
Tel |
Telephone Printing Co (generic certificate finish printer) |
Defiance, OH |
Ter |
Terres Printing Co. |
Seattle |
Tig |
T. Tigar, Printer |
Ft. Wayne |
Top |
Charles Toppan & Co |
Philadelphia |
Tor |
Toronto Lith. Co. Ltd. |
Toronto |
Tur |
Turner & Co. |
Boston |
Tut |
The Tuttle Co |
Rutland, VT |
Uni |
Union Lithographing Company |
UniBN |
Union Bank Note Co |
Kansas City, MO |
Uzz |
E.M. Uzzell, Printer and Binder |
Raleigh, NC |
Wal |
Alex Wallace & Co |
Mobile |
Wal |
Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co |
War&P |
Warner & Poor |
New York |
War? |
Warner?/Warren?/Warner & Poor? (please help) |
WarJH |
J.H. Warner |
WarMR |
M.R. Warren, Stationer |
Boston |
Wat&L |
Waterlow Bros. & Layton |
London |
Wat? |
Waters?/Waterlow? |
Watlo |
Waterlow & Sons, Ltd |
London |
Wats |
Waters & Son |
Western B N & Engraving Co |
Chicago |
Western Bank Note & Engraving Co. |
Chicago |
Western Bank Note Co. |
Chicago |
Wee |
Weed Parsons & Co |
Albany, NY |
Wei |
A.L. Weise, Lith. |
Philadelphia |
Wes |
Western Publishing & Engraving Co |
Detroit |
WesTX |
Western Texan Print |
Whel |
William A Wheeler |
New York |
Wil |
W.W. Wilson, Engraver & Printer |
Boston |
WilB |
Wilstach, Baldwin & Co, Stationers |
Cincinnati |
Wri |
E.A. Wright Bank Note Co. |
Philadelphia |
Yer |
Yerkes Printing |
Seattle |
YouB |
Young & Belden Co |
Zim |
Zimmerman Lith. |