Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
Baltimore Baseball Club, Inc. (MO) Sports 1-Jun SM#211 2151 1967 S n/a $500 $400 10% $440 VF+
Bodie Bluffs Consolidated Mining Co. (CA) Stanford, Leland 3-Oct Holabird #23 253 S SO $1,125 $700 15% $805 U;EF;"ext rare signed";no cert#;Unissued
Corporation of the District of Penn (PA) State & Treasury Bonds 4-Feb SM#236 6315 1853 B n/a $100 15% $115 VF+
South Carolina City of Charleston State & Treasury Bonds 1-Feb SM#206 6049 B n/a $200 $110 12% $123 VF;$1350 Register Bond of the Act of 1/16/1866
State of North Carolina (NC) (Cr. 62V) State & Treasury Bonds 7-Aug WINS#0708 445 1863 BK B S $275 $225 15% $259 F; $1,000 6%; for Chatham RR Co.;s/b: Zebulon Vance
Delaware & Raritan Canal....(Camden & Amboy) (NJ) Stevens, Robert L. Nov-92 WINS#9211 202 1833 S SO $700 $700 No Sale
Texas Association (TX) Texas Jan-93 SM#112 1141 1844 S n/a $750 $700 10% $770 Unissued
Florence & Keyport Plank Road Co. (NJ) Turnpikes, Bridges & Roads Jan-99 SM#182 1125 1853 S n/a $525 $550 10% $605 U; VF
Washington & Russell Turnpike Co. (VA) Turnpikes, Bridges & Roads 2-Nov WINS#26 664 1886 S n/a $225 $200 10% $220 U;F;"scarce turnpike";couple of age spots
Tuolumne County Water Co. (CA) Utilities 1-Nov SM#214 5190 1862 S n/a $125 $60 10% $66 VF+
New York Central Railroad Co. (NY) Vanderbilt, Harold S. Jul-94 SM#129 2817 1916 B I&SV $150 $90 10% $99 EF+; POC
MDS - as Chief Justice re: a certain Negroe Wench Walton, George Nov-98 SM#181 15 1783 MDS S(2) $450 $850 12% $952 VG;SD
ADS -- American Author Whitman, Walt Mar-97 SM#162 159 ADS S $900 $1,000 10% $1,100 VG; 8vo; s/a: Walt Whitman twice; [ca. 1890]
Jupiter Mining Co. (CA) Mining 10-May Holabird-5/10 273 1879 BK/CR S n/a $400 $800 17.50% $940 U; n.c.; #939 for 40 shs; Bodie Dist.
Haywood Gold & Silver Mining Co. (NV) Mining 10-May Holabird-10/10 1854 1886 BK S n/a $250 $100 18% $118 n.c.; #45; 100 $50 shs; Virginia City - Storey Co.
MDS -- Business Astor, William B. Mar-94 WINS#9403 16 1823 MDS S $350 $310 10% $341 F
Capitol Motors Corp. (MA) Automobiles 6-Jan WINS-0601 5 1920 GR/BK S n/a $125 $100 15% $115 U;F;"rare";split on upper right fold
Erickson Suspension Wheel Co. (DE) Automobiles Jun-00 SM#200 5773 1923 S n/a $300 $170 10% $187 U;VF+
Kissel Motor Car Co. (WI) Automobiles 8-Feb SM#277 1012 1922 OR GB n/a $213 $225 15% $259 #M403; $1,000 7.5%; Not in Falater
Parenti Motors Corp Automobiles Apr-93 WINS#9304 478 1921 S n/a $250 $101 0% $101
Steinmetz Electric Motor Car Co. (MD) Automobiles 3-Mar WINS#27 113 1922 S n/a $113 $195 10% $215 U;EF;"super & quite scarce auto stock"
Woods Mobilette Co. (AZ) Automobiles Jul-97 SM#166 5331 1916 S n/a $175 $101 10% $111 U; VF
Detroit Aircraft Co. (MI) Aviation 2-Apr SM#218 5043 1930 S n/a $200 $110 12% $123 U;VF+
Pan American Airways Corp (DE) Aviation Apr-99 SSI#8 374 1941 S n/a $65 $75 10% $83 VF; scarce
Bank of American Trust Co. (PA) Banks 7-Jan Harmer#0701 767 SPEC PR S n/a $188 $70 15% $81 XF