Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
MDS -- business Gould, Jay Apr-94 SM#128 122 1872 MDS S $513 $900 10% $990 F
International Rail Road Co. of Texas (TX) Grow, Galusha A. 1-Jan SM#205 1201 1874 B SO&SV $400 $225 12% $252 U;VF+;Second Mortgage Bond
ADS - Check - Miami Exporting Co. (OH) Harrison, William Henry Mar-99 WINS#17 66 1811 ADS SO $1,350 $1,500 0% $1,500 F; 9th U.S. President
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Hospitals & Medical 1-Oct LABARRE 79 GB n/a $300 E;"quite rare";s/b:Lomb;Price List
Louisville & Northern Railway & Electric Lighting Co. (IN) Insull, Samuel Sep-96 SM#154 5492 1910 P SO $100 $70 10% $77 EF; POCs not in signature
Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens (FR) International 2-Mar SM#217 1269 1899 S n/a $400 $300 10% $330 EF
Forvaltnings Aktiebolaget Gronlandet Sodra (Sweden) International 1-Jan SM#205 2393 1910 S n/a $1,500 $1,100 12% $1,232 AAU;s/b:Ivar Kreuger & Paul Toll
Lloyd Bank (Hungary) International May-00 SSI#10 507 1923 S n/a $180 $210 10% $231 U;VF+;rare
Socialsticka Radsrepublikernas Union Handelsrepresentation (SE) International 8-Feb SM#277 1550 1942 BL S n/a $150 $250 15% $288 #33; 50,000 Swedish Kroner
DS - Act of Congress to admit Vermont into the Union Jefferson, Thomas May-97 SIG#7 3 1791 DS SO $11,000 $16,000 10% $17,600 Impressive; s/b Wash. as Pres/Adams as VP
Lawrence Railroad Co. Lanier, James F. D. 1-May SSI#12 18 1871 S I&SV $150 $160 10% $176 VF;scarce
ADS -- Army fund appropriation Madison, James Jun-98 SIG#10 585 1812 ADS S $1,300 $950 15% $1,093 Fine
Cincinnati Astronomical Society (OH) Manufacturing Dec-00 WINS#21 454 1846 S n/a $500 $550 10% $605 U;VF;rare topic-1st we've had
Keystone Watch Club Co., The (CO) Manufacturing May-96 SM-PL0596 C4573 1888 S n/a $250 $250 Price List: VF+
Trenton Watch (NJ) Manufacturing Jan-96 SM#146 2023 1904 S n/a $350 $600 10% $660 EF; scarce and desirable
Allegheny Valley Street Railway Co. (PA) Mellon, R.B./W.L. Sep-92 FHW#62 263 1906 S SO $464 15% $533 650DM asked; 1.402 DM = 1$
Alpha Gold Hill Mining Co. (NV) Mining 3-Jun Holabird #20 685 1865 S n/a $900 $550 15% $633 VF;minor foxing
Arizona Mining Co. (NY) Mining Jan-99 SM#182 1040 1864 S n/a $400 $400 10% $440 U; VF+; R45
Big Giant Silver Mining Co. of Colorado (IL) Mining Oct-98 STOCKSEARCH 192 1879 S n/a $95 $130 10% $143 U; VF
Buck Mountain Coal Co. (PA) Mining 1-May FHW#62 65 1880 S n/a $90 17% $106 EF-
Cannon Ball Gold Mining Co. (WY) Mining 1-Jan SM#205 1052 1897 S n/a $500 $400 12% $448 U;VF;seen only a scarce few of this certificate
Clark Silver Mining Co. of Franklin, Maine Mining 10-Feb SPINK#300 1112 1880 BK/SR S n/a $80 $100 20% $120 EF; 500 shs; #714; silver seal
Consolidated Lake Superior Co. (CT) Mining Nov-00 Holabird-11/00 888 1903 S n/a $37 $85 12% $95
Curtin Anti-Friction Roller Bearing Co. (CO) Mining 1-May Hola#9V2 1388 1888 S n/a $100 $70 12% $78 U;VF;sm brown stain left fold
Eagle Tunnel & Mining Co. (CA) Mining Nov-00 Holabird-11/00 375 1863 S n/a $750 $750 12% $840 U;VF