Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
Fairview Golden Boulder Mining Co. (NV) Mining 3-Aug Holabird #21 545 S n/a $38 $10 15% $12 Unissued;unsigned;n.d.;slight staining right
Gilpin & Cripple Creek Gold Mining Co. (CO) Mining Jun-00 Holabird-6/00 891 1899 S n/a $113 $85 10% $94 U:VF
Goldfield Double Eagle Gold Mines Co. (AZ) Mining Feb-00 SM#195 5477 1906 S n/a $200 $150 12% $168 U;VF+
Gunnell Gold (NY) Mining Feb-99 SM#183 5330 1866 B n/a $250 $200 10% $220 VF+; R-60; first we've seen
Imperial Silver Quarries Co. Ltd. (London) Mining 3-Oct Holabird #23 219 1868 S n/a $475 $400 15% $460 U;VF;slight discoloring center;trimmed tight lf
King Mountain Mining (NC) Mining 1-Feb SM#206 5211 1878 S n/a $200 $90 12% $101 U;VF+;first we have seen for this N.C. location
Logan County Mining & Manufacturing Co. of Virginia Mining 1-May FHW#62 206 1859 B n/a $144 17% $169 VF;Bond
Massachusetts Copper Mining (CA) Mining 3-Jun SM#229 3333 1864 S n/a $500 $300 15% $345 U;VF
Monitor Mining & Milling (NY) Mining 4-Feb SM#236 5678 1887 S n/a $150 $120 15% $138 U;VF+;"ornate border"
Nebraska Mining Co. (MI) Mining 5-Jun SM#249 2192 1857 S n/a $250 $500 15% $575 U;VF;trimmed
North Fresno Mining Co. ( CA) Mining 4-Feb SM#235 2237 1880 S n/a $213 $140 15% $161 U;VF+;#26
Orion Silver Mining Co. (AZ Terr.) Mining 8-Feb SM#277 5226 1880 S n/a $125 $100 15% $115 *; EF; #2568; 100 shs
Phenix Silver Mining Co. (NV) Mining 2-Dec Holabird 12/02 488 1878 S n/a $225 $120 15% $138 U;EF
Quicksilver Mining Co. (NY) Mining 6-Mar SM-PL0603 1916 GR S n/a $95 $95 U;VF+;Price List
Rocky Mountain Gold Mining Co. (CO) Mining 1-Nov Holabird-11/01 701 1867 S n/a $750 $800 12% $896 F;"rare&attractive-seen bonds only of this co."
Seattle Coal & Iron (WA Terr.) Mining 1-Feb SM#206 5266 1887 GB n/a $125 $150 12% $168 VF+;$1,000 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bond
Slate Hill Gold Mining Co. (VA) Mining 10-Jun SPINK-302 620 1854 BK S n/a $200 $110 20% $132 VF+; #353; 50 $12.50 shs; 'left edge clipped into border'
Steuben Coal Co. (PA) Mining Oct-98 WINS#16 695 1868 S n/a $225 $150 0% $150 U; VF
Tombstone Mill & Mining Co. (CT) Mining Feb-00 SM#195 5539 1886 S n/a $213 $200 12% $224 U;VF+; premium quality
United States Mining Co. (ME) Mining 1-May SSI#12 417 1899 S n/a $65 $70 10% $77 U;VF
West Morning Glory Mining Co. (UT) Mining Mar-99 WINS#17 648 1901 S n/a $40 $56 0% $56 U; VF
American Sugar (NY) Misc Certificates 5-Feb SM#245 5097 1867 S n/a $213 $130 15% $150 U;VF+;R46;#43
Co-Operative Dress Association Misc Certificates 6-Mar SM-PL0603 1881 BR S n/a $175 $175 VF+;Price List
Little Creek Canning (DE) Misc Certificates 4-Feb SM#236 5219 1873 S n/a $63 $55 15% $63 U;VF+;#17;"only one known to us"
Philadelphia Bourse (PA) Misc Certificates May-95 SM-PL0595 C2027 1893 S n/a $75 $75 Price List; VF+