Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
Revolutionary Horse Bond Pre-1800 Sep-95 WINS#10 35 1780 B n/a $350 $358 0% $358 VF
Pullman's Palace Car Co. (IL) Pullman, George M. Oct-97 SM-PL9710 C6516 1870 S SO $350 -15% $298 (Cost=MAX earned discount of 15%)
Atlantic City & Shore Railroad Co (NJ) Railroads May-93 FFH#48 145 1907 S n/a $100 $150 10% $165
Blue Bridge Railroad (SC) Railroads 4-Feb SM#235 2375 1869 B n/a $125 $75 15% $86 VF+
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Co. (IA) Railroads 2-Sep SM#224 5137 1871 B n/a $100 $45 15% $52 VF+;i/so;Nathaniel J. Bradless
Cerrillos Coal Railroad (NM Terr.) Railroads 5-Feb SM#245 5468 1892 S n/a $150 $65 15% $75 VF+;#11;"ornate border"
Cincinnati & Chicago Air Line Railroad (IN) Railroads 1-Jun SM#212 5607 1861 S n/a $100 $100 10% $110 VF
Consolidated Traction (TX) Railroads 2-Sep SM#224 5150 1890 B n/a $200 $150 15% $173 U;VF+;$1000 Bond
Duluth, Huron & Denver Railroad Co. (MN) Railroads 5-Jul SM#250 7465 1887 GR B n/a $150 $71 15% $82 U;VF+
Florida Railroad Co. (FL) Railroads 3-Feb SM#227 2228 1869 B n/a $1,250 $775 15% $891 VF+;RN-W2;RN-P5
Gulf, Florida & Alabama Railway (FL) Railroads 4-Feb SM#236 6137 1914 S n/a $100 15% $92 U;VF+
Illinois Central Rail Road Co. (IL) Railroads 7-Nov SM#274 5365 1901 OR/ S n/a $45 $40 15% $46 100 shs; #28913; i/t: John Jacob Astor
Kentucky & South Atlantic Railway Co. (KY) Railroads Feb-00 SM#195 5773 1882 B n/a $150 $125 12% $140 U;VF+
Long Island Railroad Co. (NY) Railroads Feb-00 SM#195 5786 1917 GB n/a $250 $150 12% $168 VF+;Specimen
Mexican Gulf Railway Co. (LA) Railroads Jun-90 SM#89 2630 1840 B n/a $425 $275 10% $303 One of less than 30 known
Montgomery & West Point Railroad Co. (AL) Railroads May-98 WINS#15 798 1867 B n/a $200 $157 0% $157 Numerous cut cancellations
New Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Railroad Railroads Jul-98 SM#178 5318 1856 S n/a $300 $450 10% $495
North Jersey Rapid Transit Co. (NJ) Railroads 3-Sep WINS 0903 711 1910 B n/a $125 $70 10% $77 U;VF;w/coupons;"scarce street car bond"
Peach Bottom Railroad Co. (PA) Railroads 2-Sep SM#224 1244 1873 S n/a $400 $325 15% $374 U;VF+;#5;"scarce, premium quality example"
Plymouth, Kankakee & Pacific Railroad Co. (IN-IL) Railroads 3-Jun SM#230 5551 1871 B n/a $125 $60 15% $69 VF+;RN-W2
Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad Co. (NY) Railroads Jan-97 WINS#12 1064 1884 S n/a $125 $190 $190 U; EF; "rare"
Shamokin Valley & Pottsville Railroad (PA) Railroads 3-Feb SM#227 5566 1920 S n/a $40 $60 15% $69 VF+
St. Johnsburg & Lake Champlain Railroad Co. (VT) Railroads 6-Jul SM#262 5425 1893 S n/a $125 $170 15% $196 U;VF+
Texas Short Line Railway Co. (TX) Railroads 7-Nov SM#274 5424 1902 GR/GS S n/a $188 $80 12% $90 VF; #1000 5%; #3; "Gold seal"
Virginia & Truckee Railroad Co. (NV) Railroads 1-Nov Holabird-11/01 1490 1874 B n/a $500 $400 12% $448 EF;wrinkling of edges;sm tear top center edge