Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
Warren County Fair Association (GA) Food & Drink 1-May SSI#12 158 1890 S n/a $60 $65 10% $72 U;VF
ALS -- re tribulations of the campaign trail Garfield, James A. Nov-98 SM#181 201 1869 ALS S $850 $650 12% $728 F
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Co. Gould, Jay Jun-91 SM#97 1020 1881 S I&SV $200 $270 10% $297 200e
Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburgh Railroad Co. (IN-IL) Guggenheim, Meyer 4-Feb SM#235 1198 1890 S I&SV $5,000 $2,500 15% $2,875 VF+
DS - re: order to quartermaster Harrison, William Henry Nov-00 Barnes#24 44 1795 DS S $1,250 0% $1,250 PL;F
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PA) Hospitals & Medical 8-Feb SM#277 5146 B n/a $113 $50 15% $58 VF; #33; $100 6% bond
New Albany Street RR Insull, Samuel Jan-94 SM#124 1132 1913 S SO $200 $150 10% $165 POC(4)
Chinese American Corporation (China) International Jun-98 BOONE#30 843 1947 S n/a $135 $160 15% $184 VF
Glacieres du Rhone E. Stier-Friedrich & Cie (France) International Sep-97 IAB9710 901 1883 B n/a $948 $1,800 15% $2,070 EF
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. (England) International 5-Aug WINS#0508 688 1905 S n/a $200 $200 10% $220 U;VF;"scarce Marconi variey-ornate design"
Societe Anonyme Des Usines Delin (Brussels) International 2-Feb WINS#24 134 1898 S n/a $200 $100 10% $110 U;VF;"great early auto & bicycle related certif"
DS - Ship's Pass Jefferson, Thomas Mar-96 SM#150 13 1812 DS S $6,500 $7,000 10% $7,700 a/b: James Madison; fine example
DS - Certification - Harbor of St. Louis Lee, Robert E. Nov-94 UNIVERSITY-119 60 1838 DS S $3,900 0.00% $3,900 Catalog; bottom missing; as Lt. Engrs
DS - Military Commission Madison, James Nov-94 BARNES#15 26 1815 DS S $2,500 $2,500 a/b: James Monroe; Catalog
Combined Hand & Foot Power Sewing Machine Co. of Wash. D.C. (WV) Manufacturing 8-Oct WINS#0810 414 1884 GR/ S n/a $400 $325 15% $374 F; #3 for 25 shs; green underprint
Lenox Glass Co. (MA) Manufacturing 5-Oct SM#254 5143 1871 S n/a $100 $80 15% $92 U;VF+;#27;R44
United States Pneumatic Horse Collar Co. (WV) Manufacturing Feb-97 SM#160 5022 1899 S n/a $125 $110 10% $121 VF+*; R-164
ALS-re:Maj.Gorgas appt as Head of Ordnance vs Ripley's(VA) Memminger, Christopher G. 5-Nov WINS#0511 207 1863 ALS SO $1,000 $750 10% $825 F;w/document summarize Repley's complaints against admin.
Altamonte Gold & Silver Mining Co. (NV) Mining Nov-00 Holabird-11/00 509 1863 S n/a $750 $650 12% $728 U;VF
Arnold Gold & Silver Mining Co. (CA) Mining 3-Oct Holabird #22 136 1881 S n/a $300 $100 15% $115 U;no vignette:w/receipt from Horn for $255.
Big Smoky Silver Mining Co. (NY) Mining 3-Jun Holabird #20 589 1868 S n/a $450 $350 15% $403 U;F-VF;2 inch cut rt edge;sm hole upper left
Buena Vista Gold Mining Co. (CO) Mining Feb-97 SM#160 5202 1881 S n/a $138 $110 10% $121 UVF+
Carbonate Hill Gold Mining & Milling Co. (CO) Mining 1-May Hola#9V2 2101 1900 S n/a $112 $75 12% $84 U;VF;folds
Cleveland Mining Co. (UT Terri.) Mining 3-Oct Holabird #23 694 1892 S n/a $150 $90 15% $104 VF
Consolidated Pay Rock Mining (NY) Mining 1-Jan SM#205 1056 1880 S n/a $250 $130 12% $146 VF+;Georgetown, Colorado Proof