Historical Price Database

WHACO, the acronym for Washington Historical Autograph and Certificate Organization was formed in 1994 and remained in existence until 2014. Founded by George and Juanada Teas, the club’s inspiration resulted from a large group of collectors residing in the greater Virginia and Maryland area. It soon gathered many additional members from around the nation. George and Juanada worked tirelessly for many years running the annual WHACO show from 1994 – 2000. During the period from 1994 through 2005, they compiled a highly important and useful database of auction records detailing sale results of virtually every important Scripophily auction held in the United States. With over 36,000 entries, it remains as the most comprehensive record of auction sales related to old stocks and bonds in America. Through the generosity of George and Juanada, we’re pleased to be able to make this information available to interested users. We hope you find this information helpful in your research and collecting endeavors.

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NameCategoryAuction DateAuction CatalogItem NumberYear SignedColorTypeSignedEst-AskRealizedComm-DiscCostRemarks
Kokomo Gold & Silver Mining of Colorado (CO) Mining Feb-97 SM#160 5241 1881 S n/a $163 $75 10% $83 VF; Not seen by us before.
Los Angeles Improvement Co. (CA) Mining 3-Oct Holabird #22 222 1886 S n/a $113 $130 15% $150 VF;#44;orginal stub attached at left
McGregor Gold & Silver Mining Co. (CA) Mining 5-Dec SM#257 1033 1863 S n/a $300 $200 15% $230 U;VF+;"plate";#17
Montana Gold & Silver Mining Co. (PA) Mining Sep-97 SM#168 3042 1866 B n/a $100 $85 10% $94 VF
Nevada Homestake Mines Co. (AZ Terr.) Mining 3-Oct Holabird #23 599 1906 S n/a $150 $55 15% $63 U;"rare"
North Standard Gold & Silver Mining Co. (CA) Mining 5-Jun SM#249 2199 1879 S n/a $250 $180 15% $207 U;VF;lightly soiled;"ornate border"
Osceola Gravel Mining Co. (UT) Mining Mar-99 WINS#17 665 1889 S n/a $40 $67 0% $67 U; EF
Philadelphia Searchlight Gold & Copper Mining Co. (NV) Mining 2-Dec Holabird 12/02 413 1908 S n/a $75 $55 15% $63 VF
Rappahannock Gold Mining Co. (NY) Mining Apr-99 SSI#8 229 1888 S n/a $95 $110 10% $121 VF; scarce
Rosario Silver Mining Co. (AZ) Mining 3-Feb Holabird #18 263 1868 S n/a $1,200 $1,200 U;Price List;"very rare"
Seven Hills Gold Mining Co. (CO) Mining May-99 FHolabird-PL 10124 1899 S n/a $100 $100 PL
South Belvidere Gold & Silver Mining Co. (CA) Mining 1-Jan SM#205 2023 1879 S n/a $425 $425 12% $476 U;VF;minor junction hole, tape stain right
Stormont Mining Co. of Utah (UT) Mining Nov-98 SM-PL1198 D8007 S n/a $150 15% $173 Price List; U; EF; ca. 1880's; premium quality
Tonopah Stock Exchange (NV) Mining 5-Jul SM#250 7369 1902 GR S n/a $300 $250 15% $288 U;VF;#43
Utah Mining of Nevada (CA) Mining 4-Feb SM#236 5749 1906 S n/a $100 $45 15% $52 U;VF;"ornate border"
Westmoreland & New York Gas Coal Co. (PA) Mining Feb-98 SM#173 5222 1865 n/a $150 $140 10% $154 U; VF; R-44
Asylum Co. (PA) Misc Certificates 4-Jul SM#240 3534 1802 S n/a $500 $250 15% $288 U;EF;s/b:J. Gibson&A. Mcall;"premium quality"
Delaware Water Gap Slate Co. (NJ) Misc Certificates 3-Sep WINS 0903 565 1874 S n/a $50 $50 10% $55 U;VF
Manoa Co. Ltd. (NY) Misc Certificates 6-Feb SM#258 5151 1885 B n/a $150 $83 15% $95 VF+
Plum Creek Timber Co. L. P. (DE) Misc Certificates 9-Apr SPINK-04/09 2487 MA/ SPEC n/a $150 $90 20% $108 EF; SPECIMEN shares
Washington National Monument Society (DC) Misc Certificates 1-Feb SM#206 5606 1850 S n/a $125 $100 12% $112 EF;Unissued;circa 1850
ALS -- re: Business, to Rob Morris Morris, Gouverneur Apr-95 SM#137 261 1793 ALS S $550 $625 10% $688 Two small seal tears
Remington Arms Co., Inc. (DE) Munitions 9-Aug SPINK-08/09 870 BL/ SPEC n/a $300 $200 20% $240 VF+; SPECIMEN $1000 6% 1st Mort Gold Bond
Central Basin Oil Co. (PA) Oils 5-Jun SM#249 5005 1865 S n/a $300 $180 15% $207 U;VF;R49
Hoffman Petroleum Co. (NY) Oils 10-Feb SPINK#300 1198 1865 BK S n/a $250 $200 20% $240 VF; 100 shs; #397; R44; duty stamp