Boston Globe – April 112016, is celebrating National Library Workers Day on April 12,
2016, by offering a stock certificate signed by the Dewey Decimal System
Originator, Melvin Dewey
The Dewey Decimal System is a proprietary library classification system first published in the United States by Melvin Dewey in 1876. Dewey signed this stock certificate in 1922 when he became the president of the Lake Placid Company.

Lake Placid Company signed by Melvin Dewey
What the heck is the Dewey Decimal System?
Fairfax, Virginia (PRWEB)April 11, 2016 is offering a historic stock certificate issued by the Lake Placid Company in 1922. This historic document has an ornate border around it with a vignette of an eagle. The certificate has an embossed corporate seal and is hand signed by Melvin Dewey as president and is over 94 years old.
Melvin Dewey (1851-1931) was the inventor of the Dewey Decimal System which introduced the concepts of relative location and relative index which allow new books to be added to a library in their appropriate location based on subject. He was also a trailblazer in numerous American educational and professional organizations during the last quarter of the 19th century. He founded the American Library Association, the Association of State Librarians, the Children’s Library Association, and the New York Library Club. Moving to Columbia University as chief librarian in 1883, he founded the nation’s first library school there in 1887. In 1889, he was appointed director of the New York State Library, a position which he held until his retirement in 1906.
The Lake Placid Club, owned by the Lake Placid Company, was headquartered in Lake Placid, New York, and was founded by Melvin Dewey in 1893. The Club’s first members were professors, teachers, clergy, writers, and librarians. High standards and unique natural surroundings soon attracted those of means who shared the same interest in intellect and recreation. In 1906, winterized buildings were open for year-round use. By 1923, through vision and true entrepreneurship, the Club had expanded to 9,600 acres with a staff of over 1,100. At that time there were 356 buildings, 110 of which were residences; 21 tennis courts, and 7 golf courses Melville Dewey, founder of the Lake Placid Club. The club became world famous for hosting the 1932 and 1980 Olympic Winter Games.
Scripophily (scrip-ah-fil-ly) is the name of the hobby of collecting old stock and bond certificates. Certificate values range from a few dollars to more than $500,000 for the most unique and rare items. Tens of thousands of Scripophily buyers worldwide include casual collectors, corporate archives, business executives, museums and serious collectors. Due to the computer age, more and more stock and bonds are issued electronically which means fewer paper certificates are being issued. As a result, demand for paper certificates is increasing while supply is decreasing. – The Gift of History is the Internet’s leading buyer and seller of collectible stock and bond certificates and has items on loan for display in the Smithsonian’s Museum of Financial History in New York. Our company has been featured on CNBC, USA Today, Associated Press, Reuters, Nightline, Today Show, Baltimore Sun, and Washington Post and in many other media publications. The company also offers the World’s #1 old stock research service at and offers high resolution scans for publications. has over 17,500 selections on its website. /Old Company Research Service, founding member of the Old Stock Exchange, is the successor company to all material published by the Marvyn Scudders Manuals, the Robert D. Fisher Manuals, R.M. Smythe Stock Research Service, and the Herzog & Co., Inc. obsolete research services. These services have been performed continuously for over 136 years since 1880. and Old Company Research Services was founded by Bob Kerstein ( Bob is a CPA and CGMA, and has more than 39 years of senior management experience in the Cellular, Cable TV, Satellite, Internet, Professional Sports and Entertainment Industries. Bob is also the President of the Professional Scripophily Traders Association (PSTA) and co founder of the American Stock and Bond Collectors Association.
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